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Mixing & Homogenising Systems

QBD - Qualitiy by Design

Bio, Pharma labs and innovative Cosmetics companies develop new innovative drugs and beautycare at a great pace. Krieger is your specialised partner for dedicated processing equipment.

Many new innovative drugs coming out of the Bio and Pharma pipelines will require new processing equipment to bring these products to the market. Innovative cosmetics and cosmeceutical products require specialised equipment to respond to the rapidly changing demand of their customers.

Processing Excellence

Krieger’s QbD - processing excellence program has a proven track record of designing new innovative equipment solutions for the development and manufacturing of these new generation drugs and cosmetics.

  • viscous injectables with slow drug release substances
  • cross linked gels with gel particulation systems
  • Sterile Ointments & Gels
  • Ultra High viscosity Homogenizing Systems
  • viscoelastics
  • plasma thawing
  • Mascara plants
  • Integration of third party equipmemt like bead mill’s. etc...

Bring your product to the market

Krieger has been very successful in designing special equipment for major pharmaceutical and cosmetics as well as chemical companies.

Our "QbD - Processing Excellence" service offers customers the possibility to industrialise their process research findings to exactly suit their needs by working with a specialised partner: Krieger.

Customers' processing research findings and technical requirements are taken into account during the design phase. This, combined with the Krieger know how in providing integrated Cleaning and Sterilisation in place systems result in turn key equipment that adheres to the most stringent GMP regulations of those industries.

At start up a complete validation package is available.

See more: QBD Engineering solutions

Krieger Bühler
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